What is Sleep Apnea and Can Losing Weight Help?

Sleep apnea is a medical disorder that affects a person’s sleep. It occurs when a person stops and starts breathing repeatedly while in the state of slumber. The upper airway is being obstructed constantly, and that results in interruptions in the individual’s breathing. There are three types of sleep apnea: central, mixed, and obstructive.

Causes of Sleep Apnea

There can be many reasons why a person suffers from sleep apnea. It can be caused by endocrine-related diseases like hypothyroidism. Certain neuromuscular conditions, such as a stroke or myasthenia gravis, can also cause it. Individuals who suffer from severe heart and kidney failure are prone to sleep apnea. This is due to the fact that the individual has too much fluid buildup in their necks and as a result, this can block their upper airways. People who are obese can also suffer from the condition. Overweight individuals have an increased amount of fat deposits in their necks, and that often obstructs their upper airway.

Treatment Options

There are many options for treating sleep apnea. One popular way is with the help of breathing devices. The Continous Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) machine is a well-known and effective device that is used while the person is sleeping. Another option for treatment is living a healthy lifestyle. When a person chooses to live a healthy and active life, they reduce their chance of being overweight. Being overweight can cause not only sleep apnea, but a long list of health problems (like high blood pressure and heart disease) as well. If an obese person has sleep apnea, then losing weight can help decrease the severity of this condition. There are several ways to lose extra pounds, and our team can help you with the specifics when you visit our office.

If you’re tired of feeling tired even after a full night’s sleep, or if you’re sick of snoring loudly all the time, it’s time to visit us at Advanced Ear, Nose & Throat Associates. Learn how losing weight can help treat your sleep apnea. You are one step away from achieving a restful and fulfilling slumber. Contact us today to book your appointment at our office in Atlanta, GA and get started. We look forward to hearing from you!