Category Archives: Nibble

The Body Odd – Why fingernails-on-a-chalkboard is the worst sound in the world

Why fingernails-on-a-chalkboard is the worst sound in the world By Melissa Dahl Screeeeeeeech. Even imagining the sound of a person’s fingernails scraping down a chalkboard is tortuous. Now, new research helps suggest why the noise is such a special kind of awful. The frequency of the screechy, scratchy sound ranges between 2000 Hz and 4000 — […]

First case with Intersect Propel sinus stent: a winner This week I used the novel steroid-eluting Propel stent in the operating room for the first time. It is a new FDA approved device to improve healing after endoscopic sinus surgery. The device deployed well, and seemed to fit snugly. It is designed to absorb over a thirty-day period. I really like the device […]

Supplements Offer Risks, Little Benefit, Study Says –

Supplements Offer Risks, Little Benefit, Study Says – Excerpt: “Multivitamins and many other dietary supplements provide little benefit for most people and may be harmful, according to researchers behind a large new study. The researchers tracked nearly 39,000 women for an average of 19 years. They found a small increase in the risk of […]

Prevalence of thyroid cancer in the U.S.?

From EndocrineWeb: How prevalent is thyroid cancer in the U.S.?.  Certainly a diagnosis that is increasing.  Increasing so much in fact that we may be changing what our our definition of thyroid cancer is in the next 20 years.  Currently we call a lot of lesions “cancer” that are only noticed under the microscope in patients who […]

iPad Brings Scans to the Patient

iPAD brings CT’s to the patient (photo)   Just a quick snapshot of my first day on the job with the OsiriX software for the iPad (actually an iPhone release running on the iPad).  We have a server in our office where we can retrieve 95% of our patient’s imaging (CT’s, MRI’s, and PET scans).  The iPad […]